Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vastu Shastra Tips

When sitting for worship, keep your face towards the North-West, and sit in that corner to take in air from that direction. 

Cash boxes can be located in the room towards the North (treasury). But if the box is heavy (such as a safe, heavy almirah) then it should be kept in the South west corner and the door of the almirah should open towards the North.

TVs and computers should ideally be placed in the Southeast corner of the living room or study room. They should not be placed in the Northeast corner or Southwest corner.

Telephones can be placed in the Southeast or North west corner but not in the Southwest or Northeast.

An aquarium with 9 gold fish and one black fish, in the north east corner/portion of the house or factory is very good.

If the north-east area is untidy or unshapely, the well being of male children is found to be precarious.

One should sleep with his head pointing towards the South. 

Beds should not be put under a beam. 

Students should be facing east while studying, for Academic Excellence.

If the kitchen is off the proper place, some member of the household is always found to be suffering from severe digestive disorder.

Keep the Gas cooker in the south east corner of the kitchen. 

Persons should face the east while cooking. 
Drinking water should be in the north east of the kitchen. 
While taking meals the plate should be in the South-East. 

The statue of Hanumanji should not be placed in South-East. It may create a fire hazard.

All the doors should open inside so that the energy may remain inside.
The hinges of doors should be noiseless. If so. The hinges may be greased periodically.D
oors should open towards the right hand side.
There should not be five corners in the ceiling of a room. 

Efforts should be made a leave the rooms open on the North-East side. 

While ascending the staircase, the face should be either towards the north or the east. 

The seat of the toilet should face North-South. 

No doors or windows should be provided on South-West side. 

Almirahs and beds should be set very close to the South - West wall and at a distance from the north - east wall.

A house should not have paintings, which depicts depressing scenes, i.e. like an old woman crying, scenes of war or poverty. It should have bright pictures - eg. a sunrise, an ocean, mountains, flowers or laughing children.

Tall trees are not recommended to be close to the main building. For trees the south the west are good. No tree should be grown in the north and the east. The one at the north-east is the worst.

Small decorative plants and shrubs may be grown in the north and the east. The height should not exceed, say, half a meter at the north-east increasing gradually to not more than 1.5 meter as one moves from the north-east to the north-west or to the south-east end. 

Except rose and a few medicinal ones, all thorny plants give rise to tensions in the environment. Plants exuding white sap should also be kept out of the house. Lime and Karonda are okay in an outside orchard, but not in a place of residence or business. 

Amongst the beneficial plants to be kept inside the house, the best is Tulsi. It is commendable to keep at least one Tulsi plant in the north-east area of the premises, but its height should not exceed 1.5 meter. 

Growing creepers/climbers with support on the compound wall or a house wall is best avoided.

Cactus should not be planted or kept in the house.

In the South-West Corner of the house one should sleep pointing his head towards south.

If north of any house is blocked it blocks prosperity.

Water flowing/water fountain from north to east is very good.