Monday, June 13, 2011

Making Sense of Life

Is wisdom the same as knowledge?

Does a high level of intelligence ensure happiness?

Is success equivalent to satisfaction?

The answer to all these Questions is ‘No’.

What, then, is the importance of education in our lives?

Is there something that all of us are missing?

Knowledge is to wisdom as success is to greatness.

Why is it that two friends who have grown up together, had the same kind of education and played the same games, reach strikingly different levels of greatness in their lives? While one finds success and happiness, is respected by everyone and leaves a mark on the world, the other leads a life of despair and unhappiness despite being successful.

While education and knowledge constitute the first step towards it, real wisdom actually comes from somewhere else. It is a state of mind, which comes from within.

Approach it and there is no beginning ,Follow it and there is no end. You can’t know it, but you can be it, at ease in your own life. Just realize where you come from.

Wisdom is what leads to greatness, and wisdom comes from adopting a discipline that allows you to separate the right from the wrong. It is pathless, something that all the education in the world cannot teach you, and yet you can learn all on your own.

You have wisdom when you have the capability to see beyond what’s obvious and the courage to do what others have never thought of doing. Intellect does not guarantee wisdom, but your attitude does. And it is something worth practicing for every student.
In the end, what matters is how you feel about it

Everything we want to do, and therefore everything we do in the preparation of what we want to do, is for the sake of happiness and satisfaction. It always boils down to these. Whether its success that makes up happy, or fame that stisfies us or someone else’s happiness.

Then, why should we do things that will steal from this satisfaction at a time when we deserve to be basking in thw warmth of a hard-earned victory?

In the following pages, see how you can live a life that’s successful, joyful and fulfilling at the same time…some invaluable lessons that you’ll never learn at school.