Saturday, July 2, 2011

Knowledge of Matter and Spirit

The world is like a beautiful painting or a musical symphony. We might know how the colours are mixed on the canvas or how the musical instruments are played in the orchestra, but that does not help us to appreciate the beauty of the picture or the music that is produced, or the inner meaning which the artist or composer has given it. It is this inner meaning which the cobbler in the last story, was able to see. All of life, from the universe itself down to the individual trees and seeds and the very earth beneath his feet, is full of the divine purpose of God, the artist and creator behind it.

Unless we can understand the divine purpose which lies behind the world, we will not know how to live in it properly, or how to use it. Science has greatly advanced in the last two hundred years, making it possible to manipulate nature in ways that were previously impossible. This has brought many benefits such as medicines and comforts of life, but it has also created many dangers. If we don't know what the world is meant for, if we don't know how to use it properly, we can do immense harm with the power that modern science has given us. 

Therefore the Hindu scriptures have advised that knowledge of matter, namely science, must be coupled with knowledge of spirit if it is to be of benefit to humanity.