Friday, June 17, 2011

What Is Absolute Consciousness?

Independence is the root cause of all place, and dependence on others is the source of all miseries. Self-dependence alone is internal - the path to enjoyment and freedom from life's bondages. 

Spirituality teaches us that our mind and senses are neither to be repressed nor starved. One has to strive for worldly and a spiritual aim in life, both side-by-side. Uncared for, and ignored physical and mental needs create obstacles in the path of spirituality. 

Repression of mind and forcible starvation of the senses will create an adverse reaction. Both enjoyment and repression are the aim of life. 

Once the illusion is dissolved, the self shows signs of its own lustre as the absolute God. It cannot illuminate by any means other than by its own psychic lustre of consciousness. How can the means, like senses, mind and understanding, illuminate the self when these depend and appear only on the luminosity of the consciousness?

Every living being is self-evident, and knows itself by itself, without the help of any psychic aids to knowing. The psychic life of full consciousness illuminates all known objects. 

Whatever it establishes in the world, is so by the virtue of the psychic light of consciousness. It is called Prakasha.

As a pure crystal rock does not develop any sort of diversity, even while multitudes of different hues are reflected upon it, so its Prakasha, psychic light of consciousness, remains ever-pure. It does not change even while multitudes of illumined objects appear through and within its complex, diverse home.

Crystal does not develop any diversity in its basic form, and its basic nature is to fight the complex type of reflections. Diversity in the phenomenal existence is immense and wonderfully multifarious in character. Its sign in the light of consciousness, or rather, conscious signs in the light of its diverse form, is all one and the same character because all phenomena are signs, only reflections, borne by it. 

But a crystal is absolute, lifeless, as it is not conscious of its existence - and Prakasha, the pyshic light of consciousness, on the other hand, maintains awareness as its every essence is always aware of itself, of its own accord. 

The main difference between Prakasha and crystal, is the fact that the former is conscious, and the latter unconscious. Crystal is neither aware of itself nor of its reflection. The light of consciousness is aware of both. They share the similarity that they both maintain a capacity to be seen in different reflections and remain as unchanged and pure under every circumstance.