Monday, June 20, 2011

Truth of Knowledge

Siddhas are saints who have attained all perfection in correct knowledge, and who feel the truth of such knowledge.

Nothing known to be existent is created by God. All phenomena instead exist in him and all his pure and infinite i-consciousness - creation and the known world is an external reflection brought about by the blissful charm of the self-awareness of God.

God being aware of his God-head becomes divinely playful and brings about the external manifestation of his divine powers - which shine as creation.

The absolute God is motionless. How could the infinite have any movement? But still it appears to have change and movement. These are eternal vibrations, Spanda - the divine vibrations. God is always one and pure consciousness alone, shining as the infinite. At the same time he appears as i-consciousness. All such manifestations of diversity and objectivity - prove that the spiritual scope of divine quotient consciousness sound as spiritual vibrations - causing a reflection of the outward manifestation of His divine power - the power to create and absorb.

i - is manifested outwardly as this: by such spirit of consciousness known as Spanda, spiritual vibration. The i-ness of God is limitless and perfect. It is pure, infinite, and divinely potent. It contains everything that appears anywhere - different from the egoistic i-ness of a finite being and its all blissfullness makes it playful. This playful nature becomes a manifestation of the divine activities of creation and dissolution.

All that is the nature of God - which alone is responsible for phenomenal Creation. Everything emanates, forced out of Him, and everything is absorbed into Him by His divine power.